Breastfeeding and Mastitis

Mastitis is perhaps the most distressing problem you may encounter when attempting to breastfeed. You have been making it through the sleepless nights, the relentless feeding schedule, the diapers, the leaking... when all of a sudden you want to stop breastfeeding. Why?

Mastitis is the answer. One of your breasts is engorged. There is a slightly red patch which is painful to touch. When the baby feeds it's extremely uncomfortable. After the feed your breast feels sore. You dread the next feed... and then you begin shivering. You think you have the flu. You have hot and cold sweats. You have a thumping headache. You retire to your bed and feel utterly miserable. Visitors encourage you to give the baby a bottle so you feel like you've failed... but there is a solution.

Breastfeeding - How Important Is It?

Years ago, perhaps when you were a child, breastfeeding was not very popular. Breastfeeding was not encouraged as it is in todays society. Doctors didn't fully grasp how important and beneficial it is for a newborn baby. Because of this, and a few other reasons, there were many new mothers that went directly to feeding with the bottle, most often new mothers didn't even try to breastfeed their new baby.

Breastfeeding helps protect and nurture your baby in innumerable ways. There have been many studies in regard to breastfeeding babies and the results have shown increases in brainpower within as little as six weeks of breastfeeding. The study has also shown a reduced risk of obesity due to the fact that breastfed babies are much less likely to overeat than formula-fed babies. Overall, babies that have been breastfed for roughly six months are also less likely to have breathing problems.

Enjoy Your 2nd Trimester!

Congratulations! Your pregnancy now comes to the second trimester, which is within weeks 13 through 27. Your morning sickness has faded away gradually by now. This means, you should be feeling better than before.

It’s actually the stage when you experience the most enjoying moment with your pregnancy. You’ll feel energetic and full of vitality. You can do a lot more than when you were in the first three months.

Discussions about Birth Control

Birth Control is a controversial issue no matter how looked at, as it is the taking of one or more extra precautions, devices, or most popularly medications that are followed in order to purposely prevent or reduce the likelihood of pregnancy after sexual intercourse. The major controversy here lies I think in the underlying issue of abstinence over sex for pleasure.

It is being said that in today's society that these methods of birth control are considered to be an essential component of family planning. The idea of birth control is to prevent initial fertalization, rather then get into a situation of abortion, which is actuality the termination of an already established pregnancy.